Top 5 Benefits of Choosing a Hands-free Dive Light

Every seasoned deep-water diver knows the unthinkable dangers of plunging into new depths without proper lighting apparatuses. Even on the brightest day dive, you simply can’t see anything once you’re deep enough. For this reason, it’s important to acquire fully dependable sources of underwater illumination before you embark on a diving adventure.

In addition to selecting the best diving lights with the right brightness levels, you should also consider going for options that let you use both hands freely while under water. Continue reading to learn the top 5 benefits of choosing a hands-free dive light.

1. Ideal for Divers Doing Photography/Videography

To begin with, hands-free diving lights are ideal for divers with a passion for photography or videography, whether as a hobby or a profession. This is because these lighting options enable users to use both hands to capture the most vivid still images or footage of their aquatic targets.

2. Impressive Efficiency Levels

Again, hands-free undersea lights are usually more efficient than handheld ones. For instance, many handheld designs rely on a single disposable battery as their sole source of power.

3. Extra Versatility/Added Compatibility

In a similar vein, the typical hands-free light is more compatible with virtually every type of diving equipment out there. As such, this extra versatility means that the gadgets can be used by busy technical divers undertaking taxing undersea activities such as welding or working on pipelines.

4. Greater Safety

Because both hands are free with this style of light, divers can easily swim or wade through particularly murky or dangerous areas.

5. Reduced Damage on Coral Reefs

Poor underwater mobility has been previously cited as one of the factors that destroy coral reefs and other vital marine features. Using hands-free dive lights helps divers identify these features in advance and then use both hands to make sure no damage is caused when maneuvering around coral reefs.

Cavediver Aaron: On Aaron’s 10th birthday his uncle surprised him with diving lessons, and Aaron was instantly hooked. Today, he’s a certified master scuba diver working as a commercial diver full-time and a PADI instructor specializing in cave diving part-time. Because he’s used to exploring the deepest, darkest corners and crevices of the water, he has tested out and tried just about every worthwhile dive light and accessory on the market, and he loves to share his expertise and favorite products here on the Dive Light blog.