What You Should Know About Waterproof LED Flashlights

An LED flashlight is an important commodity for a diver. These devices are utilized by divers both underwater as well as on the surface when visibility is low or it’s dark outside.

In most cases, divers make use of 2 types of flashlights: the primary dive flashlight and the secondary, or backup, dive flashlight. The primary dive flashlight is usually brighter compared to secondary lights.

Cave divers are in the habit of using brighter and more luminous flashlights since there is not much illumination inside caves. On the other hand, photographers should not use flashlights that are bright enough to scare away fish and other creatures. In fact, their preferred flashlight is usually 30W LED. Daytime divers who stay close to the surface of the water make use of 5W LED dive lights.

Factors to Consider When Purchasing LED Dive Flashlights

It is important that the flashlights you choose are durable and well-constructed so that they can be used for quite some time without any issues. Some divers prefer using waterproof LED flashlights that are built with a metal casing instead of a plastic casing. However, a plastic casing is considered to be better than a metal casing since it allows divers to grip the light properly. When shopping, look for lights that will burn longer than you plan to be under the water.

These flashlights are available in different shapes and sizes and there are plenty of manufacturers and models to choose from. Among the most in-demand dive flashlights on the market include the SCUBAPRO Novalight 720 and the LED Lenser D14. When you are shopping for any dive flashlight, take your time, do your research, and go through the reviews online to help you find the appropriate light for you.

NightDiver-Scott: Scott first experienced the thrill of exploring the ocean while snorkeling during his senior class trip in high school. After that, he threw himself into diving, working diligently to become a master scuba diver so he could achieve his goal of diving for a living. And that’s exactly what he’s done –a commercial diver by day and a PADI diving instructor by night, Scott loves taking his dips after the sun has gone down, and because of this, he’s super particular about the quality and functionality of the dive lights he uses.