How to Choose the Best Diving Torch

The process of deciding on the best diving torch to use requires both time and serious consideration. The primary purpose of a diving torch is to produce light in low light conditions to enable the diver to see ahead. The deeper you go below the water surface, the darker it becomes and the more a torch becomes useful. When your eyes can no longer see what lies ahead of you, a torch helps you to do so.

For you to come up with the best choice of a diving torch there are a number of factors to consider. The following are some of these factors:

The Type of Diving

The kind of diving you intend to engage in will determine the type of torch to use. For instance, you only require a small handheld torch if you intend to go diving during the day in a place with good lighting conditions. On the other hand, if you are going diving at night, you will require a more powerful torch that produces a stronger beam of light. In the case of technical diving, the diving torch should be more durable and should have a tight beam.

The Power Source of the Torch

The consideration here is whether the torch has a rechargeable or a non-rechargeable battery. Rechargeable torches are the best choice if you are a frequent diver. However, they are not so convenient since you require an accessible source of power as well as time to charge the equipment. On the other hand, you should opt for a non-rechargeable torch if you do not intend to use the torch regularly. These torches come with alkaline batteries that can easily be replaced since they are readily available at affordable prices.

Lighting Technology

LED diving torches are the best option when considering the kind of lighting technology. As opposed to torches that use halogen bulbs, LED torches are more power efficient and reliable with improved brightness.

Scuba Dave: Dave had the good luck of growing up in a family of divers: his mom is a PADI instructor and his dad is a wreck diver. He started working toward earning his open water diving certification as a freshman in high school, and by the time he graduated college he was a certified master scuba diver and PADI instructor. Dave loves to try new things, and is just as happy dipping into a deep lake as he is deep sea diving to explore underwater wrecks and caves. He documents everything with his camera, making him our resident expert in videography and photography lighting.