Hello and welcome to our new interactive sharing space – the Nemo Blog. We’ll provide simple step-by-step how-to tutorials, easy quick fixes and we’d love to hear feedback from you and address any questions you may have.
Here at Nemo we fully embrace an innovative culture. We make it our top priority to invent, create and develop top-notch products that satisfy our customers’ changing demands and needs. We strive to bring trend-setting, top-quality creative solutions and products to you, making your lives and jobs much easier and even fun! Please do share with us if you have ideas for a new tool that you’d need and that we haven’t had: we’d do our best to research and create it for you!
Whether you have ideas on a new product, feedback to share with us, questions to troubleshoot, or simply want to share how much you love our products (:>), we’re always here for you. We’d like to keep in close touch with all our customers and we’re reachable by phone, email, social media, Skype, any channel you can think of really! Feel free to contact our body of professional staff around the globe: we’re always here and ready to help you out.